GIAN Course on Time Perception

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The ability of people to perceive the duration of events, to organise their behaviour in time, and to experience subjective distortions of time in everyday-life situations has fascinated philosophers and psychologists for centuries. How do we apparently perceive time in the apparent absence of an “organ” to do so? How does time perception change from childhood through adulthood to old age? Why does time seem to pass more quickly in one situation than another? Can animals perceive time, and if so how? How are cognitive processes like attention, memory, and emotion implicated in time perception? What neural processes might underlie our perception of time? This course discusses these questions, and many others. It is intended to provide participants with an introduction to the main trends in time perception research from the 19th Century up until the present day. No previous knowledge of time perception is assumed, although participants will benefit from a background in cognitive/experimental Psychology. As well as lectures the course will also involve laboratory classes where participants will gain hands-on experience of some of the classic and modern methods for studying time perception.

Modules Course Duration (March 1-15, 2016)

Module 1: Introduction and Theories of time perception (March 1-5, 9 Lectures)

Module 2: Timing and other Cognitive Processes (March 5-9, 7 Lectures)

Module 3: Development of Time Perception (March 10-11, 3 Lectures)

Module 4: Neuroscience of Time Perception (March 11-14, 4 Lectures)

Module 5: Modelling Time Perception (March 15, 2 Lectures)

You Should

Attend If…

§   You are a graduate student or professional psychologist interested in extending your knowledge into this fascinating but little-studied area.

§   You have an interest in including time perception research in your studies in other areas, such as developmental or clinical psychology, or neuroscience.

§   You have a professional interest in situations where the perception of time may be of practical importance, such as occupational psychology, or you work in organisations where time passage may be of critical importance, such as transport systems.

Fees The participation fees for taking the course is as follows:

Participants from abroad: US $200

Industry/ Research Organizations: Rs. 15000

Academic Institutions (Faculty): Rs. 8000

Academic Institutions (Students): Rs. 5000

The above fee includes all instructional materials, computer use for tutorials and assignments, and laboratory equipment usage charges. The participants will be provided with accommodation on payment basis.

The Faculty

Professor John Wearden is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of Keele in the UK. He is the author of a forthcoming book, The Psychology of Time Perception, as well as more than a hundred articles on time perception in scientific journals and books. He has worked in almost all areas of time perception including: historical studies, timing in animals, the development of internal clock models of time perception in humans, the developmental psychology of time, time and ageing, judgements of the passage of time in everyday life. He has been extensively involved both in experimental studies of time perception, using methods ranging from laboratory studies to questionnaires, but has also developed many quantitative models of time perception, some of which have become standard in the field.

Prof. Narayanan Srinivasan is currently Professor and Head at the Centre of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences (CBCS), University of Allahabad. He has a Master degree in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Science and PhD in Psychology from University of Georgia. He has been working at CBCS for the past twelve years. He is interested in understanding mental processes especially perception, attention, and emotions. He has more than hundred and twenty publications. He has worked on the effect of social factors on time perception. He also studies the effects of emotions and intentions on time perception. Dr. Srinivasan is a fellow of Association for Psychological Science.

Course Co-ordinator

Prof. Narayanan Srinivasan

Phone: 0532-2460738


Course Registration:

brochure for Time Perception GIAN course