This section gives a link to various internal and external links to academic resources related to research in cognitive science.
Internal resources
Emotional Faces Database (freely available; Contact Dr. Bhoomika R. Kar)
Translated version (Hindi) of the “Children’s Behavior Questionnaire” (Rothbart et al., 2001), to measure temperament validated in Indian context is available on https://research.bowdoin. edu/rothbart-temperament- questionnaires/instrument- descriptions/the-childrens- behavior-questionnaire/
- Rothbart, M. K., Ahadi, S. A., Hershey, K. L., & Fisher, P. (2001). Investigations of temperament at three to seven years: The Children’s Behavior Questionnaire. Child Development, 72, 1394–1408. doi:10.1111/1467-8624.00355.
- Verma, T., Tiwari, G., Kar, B.R. (2024). Hindi Translation of the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire. Unpublished research instrument. Centre of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, University of Allahabad.
External resources
- Open Mind Project – A Free Online Collection of Papers with Commentaries