
This section gives a link to various internal and external links to academic resources related to research in cognitive science.

Internal resources

Emotional Faces Database (freely available; Contact Dr. Bhoomika R. Kar)

Translated version (Hindi) of the “Children’s Behavior Questionnaire” (Rothbart et al., 2001), to measure temperament validated in Indian context is available on
  1. Rothbart, M. K., Ahadi, S. A., Hershey, K. L., & Fisher, P. (2001). Investigations of temperament at three to seven years: The Children’s Behavior Questionnaire. Child Development, 72, 1394–1408. doi:10.1111/1467-8624.00355.
  2.  Verma, T., Tiwari, G., Kar, B.R. (2024). Hindi Translation of the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire. Unpublished research instrument. Centre of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, University of Allahabad.

External resources