International Conference on Emotion and Cognition
December 14-16, 2015
There is a growing interest in affective processes in the cognitive and neurosciences. Studies have shown that emotions influence multiple cognitive processes and vice versa. The conference explored interdisciplinary research on emotion and cognition interactions. The conference consisted of addresses by prominent invited speakers from India and abroad. Young scientists presented their work on emotion and cognition.
Topics of Interest
- Emotion and Attention
- Emotion and Memory
- Emotion and Decision making
- Affective control
- Emotion regulation
- Affective and cognitive development
- Affective processing and disorders
- Dr. Bhismadev Chakrabarti, University of Reading, UK
- Dr. Amita Chatterjee, Jadavpur University, India
- Dr. Mark Fenske, University of Guelph, Canada
- Dr. Tanaya Guha, IIT Kanpur
- Dr. Rashmi Gupta, University of Geneva, Switzerland
- Dr. Derek Issacowitz, Northeastern University, USA
- Dr. Bhoomika Kar, University of Allahabad, India
- Dr. Frances Maratos,University of Derby, UK
- Dr. Urvakhsh Mehta, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, India
- Dr. V. S. C. Pammi, University of Allahabad, India
- Dr. Luiz Pessoa, University of Maryland, USA
- Dr. Michaela Riediger, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Germany
- Dr. Vinod Venkatraman, Temple University, USA
- Dr. Adrian von Muhlenen, University of Warwick, UK
Conference Convenor
- Dr. Narayanan Srinivasan, CBCS, University of Allahabad, India