Janak Pandey

jpsICSSR National Fellow

Former Head, CBCS, University of Allahabad

Former First Vice Chancellor, Central University of Bihar

Former Head, Department of Psychology, University of Allahabad

Email: janakpandey@cbcs.ac.in                                                                                                                                             Download :Brief CV, Long CV

Awards and Honors

Honorary Fellow, Awarded by the International Association for Cross-cultural Psychology in its Congress held in Greece, July 2006

Distinguished Teacher Award of Allahabad University, 2003

National Fellowship, Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, 1998

Senior Commonwealth Fellowship, University of Manitoba, Canada, 1994

The Professor VKRV Rao Award in Psychology, 1989

Professional Associate, East-West Centre, Hawaii, summer 1989

Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence & Visiting Professor, Wake Forest University, U.S.A., 1986- 1987

Fulbright-Scholar, Dept. of Psychology, Kansas State University, 1971 – 1974

Patna University Gold Medal for the First Rank in M.A. Psychology, 1964

Ranchi University Merit Scholarship for the First Rank in B.A. Honours (Psychology) 1962


Ph.D. (Psychology), Kansas State University, USA

M.A. (Psychology), Patna University, Patna

B.A. (Honors) Psychology, Ranchi University, Ranchi

Research Interests

Social Psychology

Selected Publications


Silbereisen, R.K., Ritchie, P.L.J., &Pandey, J. (2014). (Eds.) Psychology Education and Training: A global Perspective. London Routledge, Taylor & Francis Groups.

Pandey, J., Sinha T.N. & Sinha, A.K. (2011). (Eds.). Dialogue for Development. New Delhi: Concept Publications.

Srinivasan, N., Kar, B.R. & Pandey, J. (2010)(Eds.) Advances in Cognitive Science, (Vol. 2) New Delhi: Sage Publication.

Srinivasan, N., Gupta, A.K. & Pandey, J. (2008)(Eds.) Advances in Cognitive Science, (Vol. 1) New Delhi: Sage Publication.

Thapa, K., Aalsvoort, G., & Pandey, J. (2008). (Eds.)Perspectives on Learning Disabilities in India: Current Practices and Prospects, New Delhi: Sage Publication.

Pandey, J. (Ed.) (2004). Psychology in India Revisited: Developments in the Discipline: Applied Social and Organizational Psychology, (Vol. 3) New Delhi: Sage Publication.

Pant, S. K. & Pandey, J. (2004). Social development in rural India, Jaipur: Rawat Publisher.

Pandey, J. (Ed.) (2002) Social Development. New Delhi: Ashish Publishing House.

Pandey, J. (Ed.) (2001) Psychology in India Revisited: Developments in the Discipline: Personality and Health Psychology, (Vol. 2) New Delhi: Sage Publications.

Pandey, J. (Ed.) (2000) Psychology in India Revisited: Developments in the Discipline: Physiological Foundation and Human Cognition, (Vol. 1) New Delhi: Sage Publishers.

Berry, J.W., Poortinga, Y., & Pandey, J. (Eds.) (1996) Handbook of Cross-Cultural Psychology: Theory and Method. (vol. 1), Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Pandey, J., Sinha, D., & Bhawuk, D.P.S. (Eds.) (1996)Asian contributions to cross-cultural psychology. New Delhi: Sage Publications.

Pandey, J. (Ed.) (1988)  Psychology in India: The State-of-the-art.

Vol. 1. Personality, and Mental Processes

Vol. 2. Basic and Applied Social Psychology

Vol. 3. Organizational Behaviour and Mental Health

New Delhi: Sage Publications

Pandey, J. (Ed.) (1988). Social Reality: Perspective and Understanding. New Delhi: Concept Publishers.

Pandey, J. (Ed.) (1981). Perspective on experimental social psychology in India. New Delhi: Concept Publishers.


Research Papers/Chapters in Edited Volumes:

[expand title=”1. Psychology in India: Development of the Discipline”]

Misra, G. & Pandey J. (2010) Psychology and National Development, in P. Martin, F. Cheung, M Kyrios, L Littlefield, M Knowles, B. Overmier & J Maria Prieto (Eds) IAAP Handbook of Applied Psychology, New York: Wiley- Blackwell.

Adair, J. G., Kashima, Y., Maluff, M. R., & Pandey, J. (2008) Beyond Indigenization:  International Dissemination of Research by Majority-World Psychologists. In A. Gari, & K. Mylkonas (Eds.).Quod Erat Demonstrandum (Q.E.D.): from Heroditus’ ethnographic journeys to cross-cultural research. Atropus Editions: Athens, Greece. [pdf]

Pandey, J.(2007) Perspectives shaping  the development of  Social psychology in India. In Liu, Ward, Bernado, karasawa, & Fischer (Eds.) Contributions to Asian social psychology. Wellington: Marshall & Cavendish. [pdf]

Pandey, J. (2004). Psychology in India enters the twenty-first Century: Movement toward an indigenous discipline. In J. Pandey (Ed.) Psychology in India revisited: Developments in the discipline (vol. 3), New Delhi: Sage. [pdf]

Pandey, J. (2006) Profile of family in India. In Georges, J. Berry, J., Fons van de Vrijer, F.,Poortnga, Y., Kagitaibasi, C. (Eds.):Families across cultures: A 30-nations psychological study. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [pdf]

Pandey. J. (1998) Development of Psychology in India. In A.F. Kazdin (ed.)Encyclopaedia of Psychology. N.Y.: Oxford University Press.

Pandey, J. & Singh, P. (2005) Social psychology in India: Social roots and development. International Journal of Psychology, 40(4), 239-253. [pdf]

Pandey. J. (1998). Obituary: Professor Durganand Sinha (1922-1998) Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,29(6), 691-694. [pdf]

Adair, J., Pandey, J., Begum, H., & Puhan, B.N. (1995). Indigenization and development of the discipline: Perceptions and opinions of Indian and Bangladeshi psychologists. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 26(4), 392-407. [pdf]

Pandey, J. (1988).Emerging trends in the eighties: Psychology in India. In J. Pandey (Ed.), Psychology in India: The State-of-the-art, (Vol. 3). New Delhi: Sage Publication. [pdf] [/expand]

[expand title=”2. Pro-social and Helping Behavior.”]

Pandey, J., & Griffitt, W. (1974).Attraction and helping. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 3(2), 123-124. [pdf]

Pandey, J., & Griffitt, W. (1977). Benefactor’s nurturance need, recipient’s dependency and the effect of number of petential helpers on helping behavior. Journal of Personality, 45, 79-99. [pdf]

Pandey, J. (1978). Dependency similarity, attraction, and perceived helpfulness. Social Behavior and Personality, 6(1), 37-41. [pdf]

Pandey, J., & Rastogi R. (1978). Intolerance of ambiguity and response to attitude similarity-dissimilarity. Psychologia, 21, 104-106.

Pandey, J. (1979). Effects of benefactor and recipient status on helping behavior. The Journal of Social Psychology, 18, 171-176. [pdf]

Pandey, J., Bisht, S., & Rani, S. (1987). Children’s donation as a function of age, gender, and resources. Psychological Studies, 32(1), 9-14.[/expand]

[expand title=”3. Social Influence: Ingratiation”]

Pandey, J. (1978) .Ingratiation : A review of literature and relevance of its study in organizational setting. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 13(3), 381-393. [pdf]

Pandey, J. (1980). Authoritarianism. Seminar, 255, 12-15.

Pandey, J. (1981). Ingratiation as a social behavior. In J. Pandey (Ed.), Perspective on experimental social psychology in India: New Delhi: Concept Publishers. [pdf]

Sinha, Y., Tripathi, R.C., &Pandey, J. (1982). Socio-cultural variation in Machiavellianism. In R. Rath, H.S. Asthana, D. Sinha, & J.B.P. Sinha (Eds.), Diversity and unity in cross-cultural psychology. Holland, Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger B.V.

Pandey, J., & Kakkar, S. (1982). Cross-cultural difference and similarities in ingratiation tactics as social influence and control mechanisms. In R. Rath, H.S. Asthana, D. Sinha & J.B.P. Sinha (Eds.) Diversity and unity in cross-cultural psychology. Holland, Lisse: Swets & Zeitliner B.V.

Pandey, J. (1986) Socio-cultural perspective on ingratiation. In B. Maher & W. Maher (Eds.), Progress in Experimental Personality Research, (Vol. 14) New York: Academic Press. [pdf]

Pandey, J. (1988). Social influence processes. In J. Pandey (Ed.), Psychology in India: The State-of-the-art, (Vol. 2) New Delhi: Sage Publications.

Pandey, J., & Singh, R.P.(1988). Losing a base of power through routinized rewards. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, 13(1), 63-67.

Pandey, J., & Singh, P. (1987). Effects of Machiavellianism, other enhancement and power position on affect, power feeling, and evaluation of ingratiator. Journal of Psychology, 121(3), 287-300. [pdf]

Pandey, J., & Singh, A.K. (1986). Attribution and evaluation of manipulative social behaviour. The Journal of Social Psychology, 126(6), 735-744. [pdf]

Pandey, J., & Bohra, K.A. (1986). Attraction and evaluation as the function of ingratiating style of a person. Social Behavior and Personality, 14(1), 23-28.

Pandey, J., & Kakkar, S. (1982). Supervisor’s affect, attraction, and positive evaluation as a function of other enhancement. Psychological Reports, 50, 479-486.

Pandey, J. (1981). A note about social power through ingratiation among workers. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 54, 65-67. [pdf]

Pandey, J. (1981) Ingratiation tactics in India. The Journal of Social Psychology, 113, 147-148. [pdf]

Pandey, J. (1981)  Effects of Machiavellianism and degree of organizational formalization. Psychologia, 24, 41-46.

Pandey, J. (1980). Ingratiation as expected and manipulative behavior in Indian society. Social Change, 10(3), 15-17. [pdf]

Pandey, J., & Bohra, K.A. (1986) Ingratiation in formalized and personalized organizations. The Journal of Social and Economic Studies, 3(1), 37-51. [pdf]

Singh, R.P., & Pandey, J. (1986) Leadership styles control strategies and personal consequences. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 22(1), 41-58. [pdf]

Bohra, K.A., & Pandey, J. (1984) Ingratiation toward strangers, friends, and bosses. The Journal of Social Psychology, 122, 217-222. [pdf]

Pandey, J., & Bohra, K.A.(1984). Ingratiation as a function of organizational characteristics and supervisory styles. International Review of Applied Psychology, 33, 381-394. [pdf]

Pandey, J., Sharma, U., & Bohra, K.A. (1983). Perceived democracy in nomination, election and rotation methods of leader selection. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 18(4), 613-618. [pdf]

Pandey, J., & Rastogi, R. (1979). Machiavellianism and ingratiation. The Journal of Social Psychology, 108, 221-225. [pdf]

Pandey, J. (1976). Effect of leadership style, personality characteristics and method of leader selection on members’ and leader’s behavior. European Journal of Social Psychology, 6, 475-489. [pdf]

Pandey, J. (1977). Effects of leadership role-playing on dependence proneness responses. Journal of Social and Economic Studies, 5(1), 111-116.

Pandey, J., & Sinha, Y. (1991). Toward psychological conceptualization of fundamentalism. The Indian Journal of Social Science, 4(3), 347-358.[/expand]

[expand title=”4. Poverty”]

Pandey, J. (2000). Perception of Poverty: Socio-psychological Dimensions. In A.K. Mohanty and G. Mishra (Eds.) Psychology of Poverty and Disadvantage, New Delhi: Concept.

Pandey, J. (1990). Attribution of causality and perceived solutions of social problems. In A. Halim Othman & Wan Rafaei Abdul Rahman (Eds.), Psychology and socio-economic development. Bangi, Malaysia: UKM, 130-136. [pdf]

Pandey, J., & Singh A.K. (1985). Social psychological responses to perceived and objective indicators of poverty in India. In I.R. Lagunes & Y.H. Poortinga (Eds.), From a different perspective: Studies of behavior across cultures. Holland, Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, B.V. [pdf]

Nanda-Biswas, U., & Pandey, J. (1996). Mobility and perception of socio-economic status among tribal and caste groups. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.27(2), 200-215. [pdf]

Singh, A.K., & Pandey, J.(1985). Dimensions of coping with socio-economic problems. Social Change, 15(1), 51-54. [pdf]

Pandey, J., Sinha, Y., Prakash, A., & Tripathi, R.C. (1982). Right-left political ideologies and attribution of causality to poverty. European Journal of Social Psychology, 12, 327-331. [pdf]

Pandey,J.,Kakkar, S.,& Bohra, K.A. (1982). The functional perception of poverty in India. The Journal of Social Psychology.117, 149-150. [pdf]

Sinha, Y., Jain, U.C.,& Pandey,J.(1980). Attribution of causality to poverty. Journal of Social and Economic Studies, 8(3), 349-359. [pdf]

Singh, A.K., & Pandey, J. (1991). Psychological factors in social mobility. The Indian Journal of criminology & criminalistics. 11(1-2), 43-52.

Singh, A.K., & Pandey, J. (1990). Psychology of Poverty. The Indian Journal of Social Work, 51(4), 624-632. [pdf]

Singh, A.K., & Pandey, J.(1990). Social support as a moderator of poverty-coping relationship. Journal of social psychology,130(4), 533-541. [pdf]

Roomana ,N Siddiqui & Pandey J.(2003 ). Coping with poverty by urban poor minority group. Psychological Studies , vol 48,3,66-71. [pdf] [/expand]

[expand title=”5. Social & Distributive Justice”]

Rastogi, R., & Pandey, J. (1987). A simulated study of the need-fulfilment as a function of organizational bureaucratic structure, size of organization and management position. Indian Journal of Current Psychological Research, 2(1), 7-14.

Pandey, J. (1999) Socio-Cultural Dimensions of experience and consequences of crowding. In J.C.          Lasry, J. Adair, and K. Dion (Eds.) Latest Contributions to Cross-Cultural Psychology. Lisse, Swets and Zeitlinger.

Gupta, A. & Pandey, J. (1996) Perceived socio-cultural causes of non-reporting of crimes in India. In J. Pandey, D. Sinha, & D.P.S. Bhawuk (Eds.), Asian Contributions to Cross-Cultural Psychology. New Delhi: Sage.

Singh, P. & Pandey, J. (1994) Distributive decisions as a function of recipient’s need performance variations and caste of allocator. In M. Bouvy, F.J.R. Vade Vijiver, Pawel Baski & Paul Schmitz (Eds.) Journeys into Cross-Cultural Psychology. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.

Singh, P., Pandey, J., Tiwari, S., Pandey, K. & Maurya, P.(2009). Perceived justice of available job opportunities and self-esteem, collective esteem and social exclusion: A study of three religious groups in India. Psychological Studies, 54, 124-132. [pdf]

Pandey, J., & Singh, P. (1997) Allocation criterion as a function of situational factors and caste. Journal of Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 19(1), 121-132. [pdf]

Pandey, J., & Singh, P. (1989).Reward allocation as function of resources availability, recipients’ needs and performance. Psychology monographs: Genetic, Social and General, 115(4), 169-481. [pdf] [/expand]

[expand title=”6. Perception and Coping with Environmental Stressors”]

Pandey, J. (1990). Environment, Culture and Behavior. In R. Brislin (Ed.) Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology. Newbury Park: Sage Publications. [pdf]

Pandey, J., Siddiqui, R.N., Udas, A.K., & Ruback, B. (2009). Residents’ reactions to environmental stressors in Kathmandu: A comparison of the inner city versus the outskirts. Psychological Studies, 54(3), 202-212. [pdf]

Ruback, R.B., Kohli, N. & Pandey, J. (2009).Hindus’ evaluation of Hindus and Muslims: Religious leaders and pilgrims at the Magh Mela. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 48(2), 375–385. [pdf]

Jain, U. & Pandey, J. (2008). Cultural context of world views and human-environment relationship. Psychological Studies.

Ruback, R.B., Pandey, J. & Kohli, N. (2008). Evaluations of a sacred Place: Role and religious belief at the Magh Mela. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 28, 174-184. [pdf]

Siddiqui, R.N. &Pandey, J. (2003) Coping with Environmental Stressors by Urban Slum Dwellers. Environment & Behaviour, 35(5), 589-604. [pdf]

Siddiqui, R.N. &Pandey, J. (2003) Coping with Poverty by an Urban Poor Minority Group. Psychological Studies, 48(3), 66-71.

Ruback, B., Begum, H., Tariq, N., Kamal, A. and Pandey,J. (2002) Reactions to Environmental Stressors: Gender Differences in the Slums of Dhaka and Islamabad’, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 33(1), 100-119. [pdf]

Siddiqui, R.N. & Pandey, J.(2001)Perception of Economic and Environmental Stressors by Urban Slum Dwellers, Psychology and Developing Societies, 13(1), 93-103. [pdf]

Pandey, J., Varma, M. & Ruback, B. (2000) Perceived Crowding in Indian Classrooms: The effects of age, gender, and household density. Psychology and Developing Societies, 12(2), 139-154. [pdf]

Pandey. J. (1998). Environment in the Indian Context: Socio-Psychological Issues and Research Indian Psychological Abstracts and Reviews, 5, (2), 205-234. [pdf]

Ruback, R.B., Pandey J., & Begum, H. (1997). Urban stressors in South Asia: Impact on male and female pedestrians in Delhi and Dhaka. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 28(1), 23-43. [pdf]

Ruback, R.B., & Pandey, J. (1996). Gender differences in perception of  household crowding: Stress, affiliation and role obligation in rural India. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26(5), 417-436. [pdf]

Ruback, B.R., &Pandey, J. (1992). Very hot and really crowded: Quasi-experimental investigations of Indian “tempos”. Environment and Behavior, 24(4), 527-554. [pdf]

Ruback, B.R., &Pandey, J. (1991) Crowding, perceived control, and relative power : An analysis of households in India. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 21(4), 345-374. [pdf]

Nagar, D., Pandey, J., & Paulus, P.B. (1988). The effects of residential crowding experience on reactivity to laboratory crowding and noise. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 18, 1423-1442. [pdf]

Ruback,R.B.& Pandey,J.(2002)Mental distress and physical symptoms in slums of New Delhi: The role of individual, household, and neighbourhood factors. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32, 11, 2296-2320. [pdf]

Ruback,R.B., Pandey,J.Begum,H.K.,Tariq,N. & Kamal,A.(2004)Motivations and satisfactions with migration :an analysis of migrants to New Delhi, Dhaka, and Islamabad. Environment and Behvior .36,6,814-838. [pdf]

Pandey,J.& Khan ,M.E.(1976)Effects of persuasive communication on acceptance of a course on population dynamics. The Journal of Social Psychology ,100.319-320.

Pandey, J., & Nagar, D. (1987). Experience of indwelling and out dwelling crowding and social psychological consequence. Social Science International, 3(1), 1-9.

Nagar, D., & Pandey, J. (1987).Affect and performance on cognitive task as a function of crowding and noise. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 17(2), 147-157. [pdf]

Pandey, J. (1978). Effects of crowding on human social behaviour. .Journal of Social and Economic Studies, 5(1), 37-41. [/expand]

[expand title=”7. Cross-Cultural”] 

Schlosser, O., ——- Pandey, J., et al. (2013). Humane Orientation as a New Cultural Dimension of the GLOBE Project: A Validation Study of the GLOBE Scale and Out-Group Humane Orientation in 25 Countries. Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 44, 535-551. [pdf]

Williams, J. E., Pandey, J., Best, D., Kelly, R., Morton, K., & Pande, N. (1987). Young adult’s view of old adults in India and the United States. In C. Kagitcibasi (Ed.) Growth and Progress in Cross-Cultural Psychology. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger B.V. [pdf]

Saxena, N., Srinivasan, N., &Pandey, J. (2012). Desired change in outcome affects the structure of counterfactual thinking. International Journal of Mind, Brain, and Cognition, 3, 39-57. [pdf]

Williams, J.E., Best, D.L., Haque, A., Pandey, J. & Verma, R.K. (1982).Sex-trait stereotypes in India and Pakistan. Journal of General Psychology, 111, 167-181. [pdf] [/expand]

[expand title=”8. Social Motivation : Dependence Proneness ,N-Ach ,L-E-Control & Entrepreneurship.”] 

Pandey, J., & Khan, M.E. (1976) Role of content exposer on attitudes towards a course on population studies. In S. Nagda (Ed.), Proceeding of the national seminar on population education. Tirupati, S.V. University.

Pandey, J. (1979). Social participation as a function of internal-external control of reinforcement. Journal of Social Psychology, 107, 285-286. [pdf]

Pandey, J., & Tewari, N.B. (1979). Locus of control and achievement values of entrepreneurs. The Journal of Occupational Psychology, 52, 107-111. [pdf]

Pandey, J., & Ram, N. (1978). Changes in locus of control of upper and lower caste students. The Journal of Social Psychology, 14, 297-298. [pdf]

Pandey, J., & Khan, M.E. (1977).Social action as a function of internal-external control of reinforcement. The Journal of Social Psychology, 103, 305-306. [pdf]

Pandey, J., & Khan, M.E. (1976). Effect of persuasive communication on acceptance of a course on population dynamics. The Journal of Social Psychology, 100, 319-320. [pdf]

Sinha, J.B.P., & Pandey, J. (1975). Reinforcement and model’s efficiency as factors in decision making of dependence prone persons. Indian Journal of Psychology, 50(1), 49-57.

Sinha, J.B.P., & Pandey, J. (1972). Processes of decision making in dependence-prone persons. Journal of Psychological Researches, 16(1), 35-37.

Sinha, J.B.P., & Pandey, J. (1971).Dependence-prone persons under congruent and incongruent expectations. Indian Journal of Psychology, 46(1), 13-29.

Sinha, J.B.P., &Pandey, J. (1970). Retention of experimentally induced changes in dependence proneness as a function of social support. Indian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 4, 60-63.

Sinha, J.B.P., & Pandey, J. (1970).Strategies of high n-Ach persons. Psychologia, 13, 210-216. [pdf]

Pandey, J., &Sinha, J.B.P. (1968). Dependence proneness and perceived problems of adjustment. Journal of Psychological Researches, 12(3), 104-119. [pdf] [/expand]

[expand title=”9. Religious Large Gathering (Mela)”] 

The Prayag Magh Mela Research Group (Allahabad – Dundee Collaborative project) ( 2007). Experiencing the Magh Mela at Prayag: Crowds, categories and social relations. Psychological Studies, 52, 4, 311-319. [pdf]

Eldering, L. & Pandey, J. (2007) Experiencing Maha Kumbh Mela: The biggest Hindu fair in the world. Psychological Studies, 52(4)273-285. [pdf]

Singh, P., Reicher, S., Pandey, J., Levine, M., Hopkins, N., & Cassidy, C.(2007). First steps towards a social psychology of collective experience at the Prayag Magh Mela, Psychological Studies, 52,4, 330-331. [pdf]

Cassidy, C., Hopkins, N., Levine, M., Pandey, J., Reicher, S. & Singh, P. (2007).Social identity and   collective behaviour: Some lessons from Indian research at the Magh Mela at Prayag. Psychological Studies, 52,4, 286-292. [pdf]

The Prayag Magh Mela Research Group*(2007) Living the Magh Mela at Prayag: Collective identity, collective experience and the impact of participation in a mass event. Psychological Studies, 52(4), 293-301. [pdf]

The Prayag Magh Mela Research Group* (2007) Revisiting research practice in India. Psychological Studies, 52, 4,302-310. [pdf] [/expand]