Silver Jubilee
25th Convention of National Academy of Psychology 2015-16
(February 2-5, 2016)
Theme: Towards Integrative Psychological Science for Human Welfare
Organized Jointly by
Department of Psychology & Centre of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences (CBCS)
University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India
Brochure Workshops Awards Symposia Program
We invite you to participate in the 25th Annual Convention of NAOP to be held at University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India. This annual event offers an opportunity for professionals, scholars and students to disseminate and learn about current and emerging areas of research in psychology and allied areas. There is a need for psychology to be an integrated discipline instead of an ensemble of sub-specialties that it appears to be. Psychological sciences have been moving in an increasingly interdisciplinary directions and face many challenges and opportunities. Exciting new research spans both disciplinary and geographic boundaries and combines different levels of analysis of the same phenomena. There is also a growing emphasis on integrative approaches, which would require a change in the road map of psychological science. This requires a paradigm shift in basic philosophical foundations, methods of investigating phenomena, and the models and theories emerging thereby. This would require concerted effort and have significant implications for research, training, and instruction and. A major goal of psychological science is to improve the quality of individual life and contribute to larger human welfare. An integrative psychological science may involve: (a) study of integration of psychological processes within the individual, (b) integration of different branches of psychology, and (c) application of psychological knowledge for human development. The science of psychology established a century ago in India might be ineffectual in facing present day problems and challenges. There is an imperative for the psychological sciences in India to seek solutions for individual, group, societal and national problems and operate in an integrative rather than fragmentary manner. The four day NAOP Annual Convention at Allahabad will provide an opportunity to deliberate on these issues, to review efforts that have been made to integrate psychological science with other disciplines, and work towards the construction of new approaches, methodologies and paradigms. Some topics and themes for the conference are:
- Interface between psychology and other sciences
- Understanding the convergence between cognitive, affective, motivational and interpersonal processes
- Human strengths & environment: Improving sustainable relationship between both.
- Role of family, ethnicity, culture and spirituality in human existence
- Health, subjective well-being and personal development
- Exploring the philosophical assumptions underlying integrative psychological science
- Development of new techniques and approaches to investigating psychological phenomena
Key Dates
Beginning date for Submission of Abstract: August 01, 2015
Last date of Abstract submission: December 07, 2015
Notification of Acceptance: December 15, 2015
Last Date for Pre-conference participant’s application : December 24, 2015
Early bird Registration with discount : January 5, 2016
Late Registration : January 15, 2016
Pre-Conference Workshops: February 01-02, 2016
Conference: February 2-5, 2016
Conference Inauguration: February 2, 2016 at 5 PM
(Conference Registration Starts from 1.30 PM onwards on February 2, 2016)
Poster Board Specifications for Interactive Poster Session Presenters:
Please prepare posters with dimensions – 87 cm x 117 cm
Abstract Submission
Abstracts should be submitted through an online system. Abstracts should be approximately 300 words (2000 characters). Please mention clearance of your study by the Institutions’ Ethics Committee as a footnote in the abstract. Each submission requires authors first to register for a login and password. The authors can login at any point in time to submit their abstracts. Please note that you would need to have details of all co-authors including their email addresses during abstract submission. All abstracts will be reviewed and authors will be informed about the acceptance of their abstracts.
Scientific Program
Pre-Conference Workshops
There will be four pre-conference workshops and see the workshops page for more information.
- Workshop 1: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
- Workshop 2: Behavioural Management for Anger and Stress
- Workshop 3: Methods in Cognitive Science
- Workshop 4: Biopsychosocial Perspectives on Living & Conducting Research in a Globalized World
State of the Art Lectures
- Prof. Ken Pugh, Haskins Laboratories & Dept. of Psychology, University of Connecticut, USA
- Prof. Nandini Chatterjee Singh, Professor, National Brain Research Centre, Manesar
- Prof. A.C. Paranjpe, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology & Humanities, Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Prof. Manas Mandal, Director General (Life Sciences), Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO), New Delhi
- Prof. Jayant Lele, Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Studies, Sociology and Global Development Studies Queen’s University, Canada
- Dr. Polli Hagenaars, The Netherlands Institute of Psychology, The Netherlands
Prof. Durganand Sinha Memorial Lecture
- Prof. Ype Poortinga, Professor Emeritus, University of Leuven, Belgium
- Indigenizing Psychology education and training: Perspectives from the majority world (Convenors: Prof. Ava Thompson & Prof. Janak Pandey)
- From understanding roots of violence to building bridges of peace (Convenors: Sonia Suchday and R.C. Tripathi)
- Social inclusion of the marginalized (Convenor: Prof. Rashmi Kumar)
- Psychology as profession in India (Convenor: Prof. Janak Pandey / Prof. Purnima Singh)
- Clinical and health intervention for promoting well being (Convenors: Prof. Komilla Thapa & Prof. Neena Kohli)
- New Horizons of Military Psychology: Issues and Opportunities (Convenor: Dr. Jitendra K Singh)
- Psychology of the Body (Convenor: Prof. Minati Panda)
- Organizational Behaviour in a Global Context: The Multiplex of Themes, Theories, and Methodologies (Convenor: Dr. Ritu Tripathi)
- Cognitive Science (Convenors: Prof. V. S. Chandrasekhar Pammi & Prof. Narayanan Srinivasan)
- Measuring cognition: Tools and techniques (Convenor: Dr. D. Dutta Roy)
- Cognitive development (Convenor: Prof. Bhoomika R. Kar)
- Advances in Positive Organizational Behavior (Dr. Kailash B L Srivastava & Dr. Shailendra Singh)
- Integrating Psychology and other social sciences for understanding of gender issues (Convenor: Dr. Sadhana Natu)
- Qualitative Health Research: Process and Rigour (Convenor: Dr. Ravi Kumar Priya)
NAOP Annual Convention has special programs and awards to encourage scientists. For detailed information, see the awards page.
- Emerging Psychologists Program
- NAOP Best Paper Award
- Prof. Durganand Sinha Dissertation Award
Last Date for Submission of necessary documents and Abstract: December 07, 2015
Registration and Accommodation
There is a single form for Registration and Accommodation. Accommodation: Registered participants will be provided boarding on payment first-come-first-served basis and sharing type. Those who would like to book their own hotel accommodation may kindly contact the hotels directly (listed here). Those interested in accommodation to be provided by the organizers are requested to fill the relevant details in the Registration and Accommodation form itself. Registration & Fees:
Early bird registration Jan 5, 2016 | Late registration Jan 15, 2016 | On the spot registration | ||||
NAOP Member | Non- member | NAOP Member | Non- member | NAOP Member | Non- member | |
Faculty/professionals | Rs. 3000 | Rs. 3500 | Rs.3500 | Rs.4000 | Rs.4000 | Rs. 4500 |
Research Scholars | Rs. 2000 | Rs. 2500 | Rs. 2500 | Rs. 3000 | Rs. 3000 | Rs. 3500 |
Students | Rs. 1500 | Rs. 2000 | Rs. 2000 | Rs. 2500 | Rs. 2500 | Rs. 3000 |
Accompanying Person** : Rs. 2000 International Delegates : $ 125 Accompanying Person International : $ 75 Pre-conference Workshop (additionally to be paid along with the registration): Rs.1000 (1 Day) & Rs.2000 (2 Days) [Registration fees include Conference Kit, and Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for conference days: February 2 (morning) to February 5 (night) 2016. ** Accompanying person will not receive the kit, however they shall be allowed for session entry and all conference meals]. All Non-members are encouraged to become a NAOP member to receive the fee reduction. NAOP is a premier organization for Psychological Sciences in the country. NAOP membership fee includes free subscription to Psychological studies published by Springer. For more details about NAOP, please visit
Payment and Mailing Details
Payments can be made by NEFT transfer in Account No.: 35059050410, Account Name: 25SilverJubleeConventionofNationaAcademyofPsychology15-16, IFSC: SBIN0001621 (State bank of India, Allahabad University Branch, Allahabad) or a/c payee demand draft in favor of “25SilverJubleeConventionofNationaAcademyofPsychology15-16” payable at Allahabad. Participants using NEFT transfer or demand draft mode of payment should send a hard copy of the completed Registration and Accommodation form along with the proof of transfer / demand draft to Prof. Rashmi Kumar, Co-ordinator, Registration & Accommodation, Department of Psychology, University of Allahabad, Allahabad 211002. All queries regarding registration and accommodation should be addressed to Prof. Rashmi Kumar (
Organizing Committee
- Prof. Deepa Punetha (Chairman)
- Prof. A. K. Dalal
- Prof. Namita Pande
- Prof. Rashmi Kumar
- Prof. Komilla Thapa
- Prof. Narayanan Srinivasan
- Prof. Neena Kohli
- Prof. Bhoomika R. Kar
- Prof. V. S. Chandrasekhar Pammi
- Dr. Shanti Suman
- Dr. Ritu Modi
- Dr. Supriya Ray
- Prof. Janak Pandey
- Prof. R. C. Tripathi
Scientific Program Committee
- Prof. R. C. Tripathi (Chair)
- Prof. Komilla Thapa
- Prof. Neena Kohli
- Prof. Bhoomika Kar
- Prof. V. S. Chandrasekhar Pammi
Conference Contact for Information
For information about registration and accommodation, please send a mail to For general queries, please send a mail to:
Reaching Allahabad
Weather: Minimum temperature will be around 15 deg C and maximum temperature will be 25 deg C. Travel: Allahabad is well connected by train from Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai. Allahabad is directly connected by flight from Delhi. Daily flights from Delhi are also available to Varanasi, which is 120 km from Allahabad. Travel Document: Every foreign visitor entering India must have a valid passport and an Indian visa. Visas can be obtained from Indian Embassies and Consulates in most countries. Formal invitation letters will be sent to the invited speakers.