Pre-Conference Workshops
Interested participants for the workshop should contact the respective local Coordinators by Email for all the workshops.
How to apply for pre-conference workshops for the Silver Jubilee convention of NAoP, 2015-16
- Young faculty/post-doctoral fellows/senior PhD scholars are encouraged to apply.
- Please send in your CV to the local coordinator of the respective workshop in which you would like to participate along with a covering letter via email. Email IDs of all the local coordinators are mentioned in the conference website.
- Participants will be selected based on their specialization, interest and background.
PS: Ensure your arrival on time.
You may be given some homework in the form of readings prior to the workshop.
Some workshops may require basic computer skills.
Registration fee for the conference and fee for the workshop must be paid in advance by January 5, 2016.
Workshop 1: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Resource Person: Prof. Damodar Suar, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT, Kharagpur Objective The second generation multivariate statistical methods of Covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM) and Partial least squares SEM (PLS-SEM) are fast becoming popular techniques for testing the measurement theory and the structural relations among constructs. This workshop aims to a) provide the state-of-the-art knowledge of CB-SEM and PLS-SEM; b) familiarize the participants with the usage of application-software: SPSS, AMOS, and SMARTPLS and c) to equip the teachers and researchers with the desired skills to handle complex research models.
- Master’s degree in psychology or allied sciences. Preference will be given to doctoral students.
- Familiarity with computer packages like SPSS and MS office.
Course Content (16 contact hours in two days for maximum 30 participants)
- Fundamentals of multiple regression and exploratory factor analysis
- Confirmatory factor analysis, Path analysis, and Structural regression models
- Fit indices
- AMOS package and graphic interface
- Outer Model and Inner Model
- Fit indices
- SMARTPLS and graphic interface
- Testing Reliability, Validity, Moderating and Mediating effects
Local Coordinator: Prof. Neena Kohli, Email: Dates: February 01-02, 2016 (2 days) Workshop Fee: Rs. 2000 Number of Participants: 30
Workshop 2: Cognitive Behavioural Management for Anger and Stress
Resource persons: Prof. Manju Mehta, Dr. Vidhi M Pilania, and Dr. Sneh Kapoor, AIIMS, New Delhi Participant Profile: Preferably, psychology students pursuing post-graduation
At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to understand relationship between anger and stress, assessment of anger as well as stress, understanding of causes, strategies for reduction and management.
Content of the workshop
- Psychoeducation
- Anger
- Stress
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Assessment
- Techniques and Tools
- Quick Anger and Stress Control Techniques
- Relaxation
- Positive Self Talk
- Other techniques
- Demonstration and Activities for all three techniques
- Long term Strategies
- Challenging cognitive errors
- Conflict management
- Addressing handling of rumination and criticism
- Cognitive Restructuring
- Activity based role plays for:
- Communication Skills training
- Frustration Tolerance training
- Assertiveness Training
- How to handle Relapse
Local Coordinator: Dr. Bhoomika R. Kar, Email: Date: February 02, 2016 Workshop Fee: Rs. 1000 Number of Participants: 30
Workshop 3: Methods in Cognitive Science
Resource persons: Dr. Supriya Ray, Prof. Narayanan Srinivasan, Dr. Bhoomika R. Kar, Dr. Chandrasekhar Pammi, and Dr. Sonia Baloni Ray, CBCS, A.U; Dr. Devpriya Kumar and Dr. Ark Verma, IIT Kanpur.
This workshop would introduce the participants to different methodologies that are used to study cognitive processes including psychophysics, eye tracking, EEG/ERP and functional MRI. These different methods could be employed to investigate the temporal and spatial dynamics of cognitive processes such as attention, memory, decision-making, language processing and emotions. Theory sessions will be followed by lab sessions to train the participants in designing behavioural experiments using software like E Prime and analysis of fMRI data using SPM.
Theory Session (9:00am – 12:30pm):
- Statistics and Signal Detection Theory (9:00 am – 9:45 am, Dr. Devpriya Kumar) – Basic statistical measurements. Hypothesis testing. Measuring bias and discriminability using SDT.
- Psychophysics (9:45am – 10:30am, Dr. A. Verma) – Psychometric function. Theory of reaction time. Quartile analysis. Identification of outliers.
- Eye Movements (10:45am – 11:30am, Dr. S. Ray) – Types of action. Eye movement as a tool to study action. Characteristics and dynamics of saccadic eye movement.
- EEG (11:30am – 12:15pm, Dr. B.R. Kar) – General idea of EEG signal. Artifacts and remedies. ERP components in relation to cognitive processes.
Practical Session (1:00pm – 4:00pm):
- Designing experiment in E-Prime (1:00pm – 1:45pm, Full Batch, Dr. D. Kumar)
- Statistical analysis in Matlab (1:45pm – 2:30pm, Full Batch, Dr. S.B. Ray)
- Demonstration of eye tracking (2:30pm – 3.45pm, Dr. S. Ray).
- Demonstration of EEG recording (2:30pm – 3:45pm, Dr. B.R. Kar).
Local Coordinator: Dr. Supriya Ray, Email: Date: February 02, 2016 Workshop Fee: Rs. 1000 Number of Participants: 30
Workshop 4: Biopsychosocial Perspectives on Living & Conducting Research in a Globalized World
Resource persons: Dr. Sonia Suchday, Pace University, NY, USA and Dr. Merry Bullock, American Psychological Association Objective: Globalization has had diverse effects on health and well-being. Developing countries like India are at the forefront of this phenomenon where there are accelerated changes in ways of living and functioning. These changes include changes in social and interpersonal functioning. Psychology has a particularly important role to play through research and applied work in helping people and societies adapt and grow from these changes. The workshop will focus on the biopsychosocial perspective on research and clinical work. Topics discussed will cover the challenges of conducting research and working in diverse settings including translating methodology and concepts and ethical challenges. Local Coordinator: Prof. Komila Thapa, Email: Date: February 02, 2016 Workshop Fee: Rs. 1000 Number of Participants: 30